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Installing air conditioners in your workspace or home is a big deal because it requires serious thought. The Australian heat can be oppressive during summer; as such, most people look for a cooling system to manage the heat.

With good-quality air conditioning, it is possible to control the heat and stay comfortable as things start sweltering. There is always an extensive collection to choose from, and anyone can quickly get confused when presented with various air conditioners.

Why People Choose Split System Air Conditioners

Most businesses and homeowners have split-system air conditioners. This type of AC offers many benefits, including ease of installation and energy efficiency. You can use a split system air conditioner to create varying temperature zones across several rooms within your residence or business.

Split systems come in different sizes and capabilities. By knowing how they work, you will be able to make up your mind on what size split system makes the right fit for your needs.

What Are Split Systems?

Most places where air conditioners are used in Australia have split type. This is not surprising considering their many benefits. These air cons typically comprise a unit for each room in the house and an outdoor unit that houses the compressor. Copper tubing serves as a link between the two units on a split system air conditioner.

Most homeowners have an easy time getting a unit installed. The installation process requires you to drill a few holes in the wall, which is the hardest part of setting up the system. The installation process of a unit of air con will vary, but split systems have proven to be one of the easiest to install.

You Must Get The Right Split System Size

If you would like to ascertain what size of an air conditioner is right for you from the various available types, you first need to understand the unit of measurement. All over Australia, the output of air conditioners is given in Kilowatts (kW). One thousand watts make one Kilowatt. This unit is a measure of energy used by the device over time. It is essential to get the right size of air con for your home or business because this is what determines its efficiency.

One would understandably think that bigger units would be more efficient, but this may not be true, especially with modern air conditioners available now. Air conditioners will perform optimally if sized according to conditions. It may come as quite a surprise to you that bigger units of air cons may cost you more money in energy bills. These higher bills are unnecessary and can be a burden for your household.

When an air conditioner is too big, it may not be capable of winding down the heating or cooling it gives in your home. Instead, it may condition more air than necessary, which can be less comfortable but, more importantly, more expensive. When split systems air conditioners are too small, there is the risk of performing in constant overdrive.

This happens because they will try to provide the temperature you desire while keeping up with the room's ample space. In essence, while keeping your home close to the desired temperature, they will not run in the ideal way. They can never work efficiently because they are made to run constantly at high levels. Wherever this type of situation occurs, it will lead to increased costs in electricity bills.

Determining The Size Of The Split System You Need

Before purchasing a new air conditioner for your home or business, you should ensure you know how much space you need to cover. The total residence size, among other things, will determine how many air conditioners you will need to buy if you want split system units.

A general rule is to estimate one of these units for each room, although depending on the size of the room, you may need more than one in some cases. Your air conditioning technician should be able to advise you on what needs to be done if there is such a case.

Factors Affecting The Air Conditioner Size Choice

Air conditioning looks like one smooth operation you can do without much hassle. In real life, the process is more complicated than it seems initially. First, the size of your house is essential when determining your air conditioning needs.

The number of zones or rooms you want to condition is related to the size of the house, which has a lot to do with the air con required. Several factors affect the size of the air conditioner needed, including:

The insulation in your house

Another crucial consideration that you need to make is the insulation you have in your house. This is so because it can affect how your home maintains its temperature. If the insulation in your home is well taken care of, you are more than likely not to need an air conditioner with much cooling or heating capacity as when there is poor insulation.

The location of your house

The climate where your home is located is another prominent factor that needs to be considered. In the tropical and subtropical regions, there appears to be greater demand for cooling systems than in the country's cooler areas. As a result of Australia's climate, you will have to take guided steps when choosing the capacity of your unit.

As it gets hotter, the air conditioner's capacity reduces. The efficiency of your air conditioner will significantly decrease if you are located in areas with temperatures above 35C. A relatable example is when you have a 14kW system in a place with temperatures above 35C. You will discover that the unit's efficiency is reduced to between 10kW.

Other factors that affect the size of an air conditioner you need include:

  • The type of lighting you have 
  • The type and quantity of ducting you used
  • How much lighting is desired
  • The number of windows in the house
  • The number of people using the house
  • The amount of heat transfer between the walls
  • The type of foundation you have used for building the house

With all these, you can see that installing a split system to fit your needs can be pretty complicated. 

Calculate The Air Conditioner Size You Need

There are different approaches people use in determining their air conditioning needs. They can use a formula or an online calculator, or you can get a professional to visit you at home.

Estimating your air conditioning needs with a formula

Using a formula to determine air conditioning needs can be done quite easily and quickly. Although you need to know that it is rough as it does not capture many of the salient factors that have already been outlined. You can use this approach to get a general idea of what you need.

However, suppose you are interested in something more accurate. In that case, you may have to go with any other methods as exact sizing air conditioning needs may not be possible with this method. By calculating its area, determine what air conditioning will meet your daytime needs in the living area.

Measure the length and breadth of each room and multiply them to arrive at the area measurements. Add the area of each room to arrive at the total location that needs to be covered. Your final figure should be in square metres.

The next step you will take here will depend on the ceiling height:

  • If the ceiling height is 2.4m high, you should multiply the daytime living area (m2) by 150 (watts).
  • If the ceiling height is 2.7m high, you should multiply the daytime living area (m2) by 160 (watts).
  • If the ceiling height is 3m tall, you should multiply the daytime living area (m2) by 175 (watts).

These calculations should help you determine the watts needed in your home. You can convert it to kilowatts by moving the decimal point three to the left.

For example, a house with a daytime living area of 100m2 and a height of 2.4m will consume as follows:

150 watts x 100m2 = 15,000 watts

15,000 watts = 15 kilowatts

This house needs roughly 15kW.

Estimating air conditioning needs with an online calculator

If you need a somewhat more accurate estimate, use an online calculator, although that will require you to use more factors.

Estimating your air conditioning needs professionally

Perhaps the most accurate way to find out what air conditioning capacity will be suitable for your house is to contact a professional. These people have several years of experience and can accurately estimate the air conditioning needs of homes and workspaces.

Usually, these people will consider several factors and ensure that they offer you options for a perfect size air conditioner for your home or workspace needs.

Split-Unit And Packaged-Unit Size Differences

The critical distinction between a split system air conditioning unit and a packaged unit may be seen in the manner that each is built. A packed unit is one that has all of its parts assembled into it. The condenser, evaporator compressor, and thermostat are all housed in the same case.

The split unit helps with space conservation and is simple to install because you may put it anywhere you find it useful. You can install it in your basement or on the opposite side of the wall.

If you want to use centralised air conditioning, you will require a decent amount of space. The roof is a good area to install this type of split system. According to verifications, packaged air-conditioning units also use more electricity than split units.

Get Support From Professionals

Everyone enjoys being in a cool room, especially in the summer when it is hot and muggy. Air conditioners with a split system make it possible to do this. Even though central air conditioners are pricey, their obvious benefits make them quite appealing.

If you're looking for an inexpensive and inconspicuous approach to cooling your home, a split air conditioning unit should be able to effectively suit your needs. However, we know that nothing will be able to stop you from making the decision yourself when it comes to buying air conditioning for your house.

But, your best bet is to get some support from professionals who are more knowledgeable about them. They can give you all the advice you need after listening to you and thoroughly validating your air conditioning needs.